Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Get ur girlfriend back - Trying Again To Get Back Together With Ex

So you want to get back together with ex? You are wanting to try it again? What makes you think that it is going to be any different this time than the last time? There may have been a point where you thought that things were going alright and everything was under control. Obviously it wasn't.

Something went wrong and either you were too late in reacting to correct the situation or you were just blind to the problems. Was it something that you did that caused it to fall apart or was it something both of you did? What was it that you could have done to change things? Did you know that things needed to be addressed but you never got around to it? These are only some of the questions you need to be asking if you want to get back together with ex and are sure you want to try it again.

There is a quote that many people throw around that many people attribute to Albert Einstein. “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results .” There is a lot of truth to this, especially when there is a marriage or relationship that is needing to be rebuilt and they want to get back together with ex.

Many people will go into a reconciliation effort but will go in pretending that nothing happened. They will go in and try to pick up where they left off but that is exactly what they end up doing. If the marriage ended because of some problem that one or the both of you didn't address then it will probably end the same way.
Whatever problems you had prior to breaking up, you better work to get them fixed before you work to get back together with your ex. If there was something that you had a problem with then fix it. Get counseling or therapy if you need to but, no matter what, address your own situations first.

If it is the other person in the relationship who had some issues that caused the relationship to end. Make sure that they have taken credible steps to fix the issues. When you are wanting to get back together and they haven't done anything to fix things on their end then you will be dealing with it all over again.

 If the two of you had issues together that tore you apart, get some relationship counseling to try and work things out and get back together with ex. Don't try to jump back into things when you will likely only be trying to jump back out again. Don't try getting back together if you are going to run into the same problems again.
Why is it that you are trying to get back together with ex? If it is because you really love each other and you want to be together forever, then try to get things fixed before you start messing things up again. If you don't address situations that tore you apart the first time it is likely that you are just going to be causing a cycle of pain and your broken heart.

If you think that you want to get back together with ex, save yourself from future heartbreak and fix the issues before they end your relationship forever.

We are dedicated to helping you through the tough times associated with Divorce and separation. If you are looking to keep that already good relationship fresh, we also have many great FREE BestRomantic Ideas, and even advice on spicing up the bedroom! So, for more help with Howto get your ex back, check us out. Thank you!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Get ur girlfriend back! How to win love back!

How to win love back has been the plight of many who have loved and lost. You may be feeling that it wasn't time for the love to end. If it was a failed marriage or relationship of some kind you may want to try it again. The love that was once there for some reason is gone or is nearly gone. If you aren't ready to let it die and disappear, then you want to know how to win love back.

If you look at love as a war that is constantly being waged then you will understand how easy it can be to lose battles. Things can turn on a dime and while you may have been winning battles left and right you may have seen the tide turn on you. Where it looked like you were winning the war it now looks like it might be lost.

If you aren't ready to give up and admit defeat then FIGHT! If what you are fighting for is worth all the tears that have likely been spilled then by all means try to find some means how to win love back. Winning love back is a hard fight but it can be done. The war should only continue to be fought if it is truly worth it. Take a step back and look at the situation. Make absolutely sure that this is what is best for both of you. If it isn't then it may be best to cut your losses.

When trying to find out how to win love back, you will also want to try and find ways to improve on what you are doing and what you have been doing. Any war that is fought, people have to be able to better themselves if they want to win. Look at what has happened in the past that you have done. Are there things that you could have done differently? Try to find out what those things are. The one you love isn't going to want to go back to the way things were if that wasn't a good situation. Change what you can to be the one you love wants.

Also try to get advice and ask relationship advice on how to win lover back. Any fight takes a strategy and if you are lacking there and need help then you need to get relationship advice. Get someone to help you find out how to fight this war better and win lover back. Also get them to help you find out how to be better lover and a better friend. Those are the keys to getting a better relationship. This is what you are going to have to know when you want to know how to win love back.

You don't want to win love back just so you can lose it again. You want to make sure that what you are trying to bring back together is going to be stronger than ever. You will have to make sure that you are a better person and well worth the risk. You have to learn how to fight and what will make you a better love warrior. Fight for keeps, though, because you want to learn how to win love back for good.

More articles and books are here: Advice to get your ex back!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tips to get ur girlfriend back.

Sometimes, events conspire to separate you from your girlfriend. However, looking at her image or thinking of her presence all elicits overwhelming feelings of desire. If it is clear that you are going to be unable to move on and find someone else, then there are tips and ways to get your girlfriend back. Trying to resist it is futile, so you should be doing what is necessary to succeed.

One of the first ways to get your girlfriend back is to dress well. You should not let yourself start to slip and instead take the time to make sure you are dressed to impress. The clothes you pick out should be nice and show off a strong sense of style. Your hair should be kempt and you should be wearing nice cologne. What is important is that your appearance should reflect a strong sense of self confidence. The goal is to show your ex what she is currently missing.

Despite the transformation into quite the dashing young man, the next step in the ways to get your girlfriend back is to not go after her. Instead, you should act as though all things are normal. Your actions should reflect who you were before the breakup. The point is to use patience and not come off as desperate. This will take a great deal of patience.

During this time, you should strive to really be irresistible to your ex lover. Charm and sensibility will work to get any girl's eye towards you. It is easier to notice you when other are also stopping to notice you. What is most important is that she comes back to you of her own volition, and the way to ensure that is to sell yourself without selling yourself.

Which brings us to one of the most important ways to get your girlfriend back: you should be you. Do not sacrifice who you are in order to win back your ex. Which is not to say do not change the bad aspects of who you are, you should better yourself. You just cannot let your ex dictate who you think she wants you to be.

This is why a strong task among ways to get your girlfriend back is to be her friend. Do not shun her or push her away as she is leaving you an opening, a place for you. Instead follow the above and show her how you are changing, and when the timing is right, you can make the move to get your girlfriend back.
There are a many ways to get your girlfriend back; all it will take is work and putting forward the effort. It may turn out that there is no chance to win your ex back, and you will just have to accept that you need to move on. If there is a chance to get your girlfriend back, it will not involve getting desperate and trying to win them back. It will involve becoming better and letting her come back to you.

More information - Get ur girlfriend back      <-----check us out there!  Thank you!

Monday, April 11, 2011

How to win love back...if you want to.

How to Win Love Back - if you want to...

What can you do to win love back?  Getting your ex to fall in love with you all over again can be a challenge.  The truth is that there are reasons that he or she called it off.  If you can figure out what the reasons are, you have a good chance to win love back.

If you need to win love back because the other person couldn’t trust you anymore, you will have to proceed slowly.  If you messed up and fooled around with someone else, you have to prove that you can be loyal again. 

First, you must be certain that you want your ex back.  What is going to keep you from straying again?  Could it be that the reason you fooled around is because you weren’t 100 percent sure you wanted your ex?  If this is the case, are you now sure that you want the relationship to go forward? 

If you are sure, then you need to apologize.  Don’t think that this will get you very far when it comes to win love back, but it is a necessary first step.

Then, you must give your ex time to heal.  Don’t push him or her to resolve the situation.  During this time, you don’t want to play any head games that might give your ex the feeling that you can’t be trusted.  You probably shouldn’t date other people during this time.  You should be humble.

Be a great friend to her.  Do the things that made her fall in love with you in the first place.  If she still has feelings for you, being a good friend can help her pave over the infidelity.

But there are reasons besides cheating that a person dumps their lover.  For instance, they may be bored with the relationship.  In this case, if you want to win love back, you have to spice things up.

When your ex was first attracted to you, you were probably not complacent in the dating game.  You planned each date carefully, dressed up for the events, and brought little gifts to him or her from time to time.  As the relationship developed, you may have gotten sloppy about it. 

If you think the reason you are now in the position where you need to win love back is that you let the relationship get boring, try spicing things up.   If you meet up again “just as friends” do something different and exciting.  Meet at a wine bar instead of a pool hall.  Go out for fondue or other “interesting” food.  Go to a concert with music that she likes.  Don’t just sit around the house watching football or American Idol all of the time.

If your ex is bored with you, win love back by becoming more interesting in your personal life as well.  Take a course or join up with an interesting group.  Start skydiving.  Show your ex that you can be a lot of fun.
The final reason that I’m going to discuss here about why a break up happens is that you were just “too into” your ex.  He or she didn’t have any room to breathe.  They may still like you.  Heck, they may still love you, but they didn’t find any room for themselves in the relationship.

If this is the case, you have to give your ex some space.  The worst thing you can do is send them 100 text messages a day or call crying at 3:00 a.m. asking why the break up happened.  You win love back by backing off.  When you see your ex, be casual.  Don’t be needy.

There are, of course, many other reasons why your ex could have broken up with you.  When you analyze why the break up happened, you can use the space thereafter to win love back by making the necessary changes.

You won’t win love back by continuing in your old habits.  But you should know that getting back together is possible.  You can win love back.

More good love, romance, sex tips, etc, here: Ebook for sex

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Help getting over the loss of the girlfriend.

How To Get Over Someone You Love

If you want to know how to get over someone you love, you must realize that none of the answers are easy ones. No matter how ready you might think you are to move on and get over that person, that you have to ask how to do it at all shows that it’s going to be a painful process.  Sometimes it’s a slow process, too.  You might think you’re over someone and a year or two later be reminded of that person and feel all the pain and sadness again.  That doesn’t mean you’re not over the person, though.

If you’ve had a lot emotionally invested into a relationship and it ends, it’s something that can potentially make you feel sad for years.  Maybe even for the rest of your life.  But that doesn’t mean the sadness has to be paralyzing or has to throw you into a depression. By getting over the person, you can realize that losing them made you sad, and look back on it as you would any sad loss.  It’s the period of time soon after the loss that should be the hardest, that makes you ask how to get over someone you love.

If the break-up is new, often the only way to deal with it is just to face the pain and ride it out.  It’s going to hurt, no matter what you do.  But there are some things you can do to lessen the pain.  You can remove obvious visual reminders of the person, if possible.  Photographs of them can be put away for a while.  Gifts they gave you can be stored instead of displayed.  You can even avoid the places you used to go together for a while.  This tip can be found in pretty much every list that explains how to get over someone you love, so it’s at least a popular idea that’s worth a try.

If you’re really having trouble living your life after the break-up, it might be necessary to seek counseling.  Simply explain that you’ve just been through a painful break-up and ask the counselor how to get over someone you love.  They can offer helpful advice, and can be more specific that generic lists about how to get over someone you love.  A counselor can also probably offer better advice than friends or family.

Your friends and family might feel they know your situation too well.  Some may have motives for help you get over the person.  They might not have liked that you were in the relationship to begin with, so they might want you to get over things or move on to another person too quickly.  With a counselor, though, you can safely tell them things about the relationship you probably don’t want friends or family to even know.

Feel free to go to counseling for as long as you need to.  If the counselor feels you’re spending too much time dwelling on how to get over someone you love, they’ll tell you.

More articles and information about Howto get your ex back - if you want to, or if you want some Romantic Date Ideas - for your new partner...check us out!  Thank you!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Relationship counseling?

Relationship counseling is often a last resort for couples on the brink of the divorce. But some couples try counseling early on when the first problems arise. Counseling is certainly something that a couple shouldn’t be afraid to try, even if the problems are relatively minor. Often, catching small problems early with counseling can prevent bigger problems down the road.  Early counseling can even sometimes help prevent a future divorce.

Today’s couples seem more eager to try to new things, which makes counseling a good option. Couples married years ago seem less likely to go to counseling or try new approaches, perhaps because it wasn’t something commonly done when they were younger. Very often marriages of 30 or 40 years now end in divorce, which is a shame because they’ll never know if relationship counseling could have helped save the marriage.

If you feel like you need relationship counseling, be sure to ask your partner to go to counseling with you in a non-judgmental way. If you ask him or her to go to counseling in a way that seems opinionated, you’re likely to encounter resistance to the idea. Try to make it clear that you want the counseling "at least" for yourself.

If you ask your partner to go to counseling because you have some issues you need to work on, they’re more likely to view the idea favorably. Explain that you think you need some help to be able to contribute more to the relationship, and to learn how to be a better partner or spouse. Don’t accuse the other person of needing counseling. Even if you believe that they are most of the problem, don’t say so. Once you’re in relationship counseling, they will learn tips and techniques for being better within the relationship, just as you will.

Don’t be afraid to suggest relationship counseling, whether you’ve been in the relationship for 3 months, 3 years or two decades. It’s never too late to try counseling to resolve problems. And it’s never too late to try to keep small problems from becoming big ones. If the relationship is relatively new, you might think that you’re admitting to problems, or admitting that the relationship is rocky by suggesting counseling. But that’s not true. By facing any obstacles now, you’re making the relationship stronger in the long run.

If your partner believes that your suggestion of relationship counseling means that the relationship isn’t perfect, and maybe even is doomed, calmly explain that that isn’t true. Just because you’re willing to admit that everything is perfect shows that you’re willing to make necessary changes to keep you both happy.

If your partner refuses, go on your own. While the counseling would work best if both of you go, you can go and work on things to improve yourself. If your partner sees you going to relationship counseling, they’re more likely to give it a try.

We are dedicated to helping you through the tough times associated with Divorce and separation.  Or, if you are looking to keep that already good relationship fresh, we also have many great FREE Best Romantic Ideas, and even advice on spicing up things in the bedroom!  So, for more help with Divorced dad help, check us out.  Thank you!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Divorced Dad Help! Things to do first.


Move your documents and other papers somewhere else, like your friend's house or some other off site storage. You can expect that your children's mother will be going through your personal items, automobile, cell phone, bills, and computer, looking for any information she can use against you.

Bank Accounts.

Go to the bank and divide the joint bank accounts in half and open a new account in your own name. I opened an account in a new bank even. It is usually easier to give money back than to get it back. If you are the main moneymaker do not leave your children and their mother with no money. This will only aggravate the judge who will make you pay anyway, and most likely it will be retroactive. Make arrangements so that bills will be covered. Let your children's mother know what you have done, but not before you have done it. You do not want her to clean out your accounts first.


Move any valuables, like collections, jewelry, artwork, firearms, cash, and heirlooms out of the house to a safe place. Anything with significant or sentimental value. You are not trying to hide things. But you do not want to come home from work and find that your valuables have been sold at a yard sale.

Credit Cards.

You do not want to wake up one day and discover that your children's mother has charged $2,000 on your joint credit card on a spending spree. You may be responsible for paying part or all of that $2,000. Close all joint credit or loan accounts and notify the banks, charge cards, and others by a certified, return receipt letter that you are no longer responsible for the expenses of your children's mother. You may ask the company to reopen an account in your own name. This is a good time to request it. Let your children's mother know so she is not caught by surprise at the grocery store when the credit card no longer works. If she has already started her spending spree, report the card as stolen. If she has charged her attorney fees on the card, you can dispute the charges with the company.


If you cover your spouse or children on your insurance, do not drop them from the policy at least until the divorce is final. You are probably responsible for at least half of their medical bills until then anyway. Even after the divorce, the employed spouse may want to keep the spouse and children covered. If you are paying child support, a large unexpected medical expense for the child could be assessed against the noncustodial parent as additional child support. The same could happen with alimony and an ex-spouse. Federal law allows most employees to cover their spouses for up to thirty-six months after a divorce for a small additional premium. However, the employer must be notified prior to the final divorce decree.

Household Type Expenses.

Two separate households cannot live as cheaply as one. It is time to cut costs as much as possible. Cancel anything you do not need like extra telephone lines or cable television. If there is any personal property you do not want or need, sell it. However, do not cut off the utilities on your children and their mother without giving them plenty of notice. Make sure you can prove this notice to the court because leaving your children and their mother high and dry never sits well with a judge.

Retirement Money.

Retirement funds acquired during a marriage are marital assets that can be divided by the divorce court. So chances are good that your wife will share in anything you contribute now to your pension plan at work or your Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Stop your contributions to your 401(k) account or other pension plan. Do not make contributions this year to your IRA. This will keep your spouse from getting part of it and chances are you will need the money soon anyway.

Get a Lawyer.

Find a good divorce lawyer and set up an appointment right away. I started by asking my coworkers for referrals and found one that way. Some lawyers charge for an initial consultation fee and some do not. In the initial meeting, you will be able to get some good advice and strategy for your particular situation. You will also be able to assess the attorney to see if it's a good fit for you. During this meeting, the attorney will discuss costs with you. But be aware that any estimate by an attorney is the roughest of all guesses and depends upon what your spouse and her attorney do. Your attorney will probably tell you not to sign anything before he or she reviews it. Your attorney will also advise you about other matters you will need to consider during this huge change in your life.

Finally - GOOD LUCK!

PLEASE, try to remain amicable. It is really in everyone's best interests. The lawyers get all the money when people play games. Good luck.

I am dedicated to helping you through the tough times associated with Divorce and separation.  Or, if you are looking to keep that already good relationship fresh, I also have many great FREE Best Romantic Ideas, and even advice on spicing up things in the bedroom!  So, for more help with Divorced dad help, check out the site.  Thank you!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Getting back at them without games.

5 Ways to Get Back at Your Ex...

Relationships are fragile bonds that need to be built up and maintained in order to keep them healthy and allow them to flourish. Unfortunately, break ups do happen, and they are nerve wracking, stressful and frustrating. If you are involved in a relationship that breaks up, you may be thinking that you want to get back at your ex but is this really the best step to take? One of the most influential ways that you can actually get back at your ex will not only put your ex in an interesting predicament, but it may also repair the relationship by showing your ex how important you are and were to them. So not only are these 5 tips to get back at your ex but they are also excellent methods for getting your ex back as well.

1 - Be strong. No one needs the needy, and this saying applies very well when it comes to broken up relationships. You need to stop begging, clinging or exhibiting the behavior of someone who is feeling desperate. Let your ex think that you have moved on just fine without them by acting strong and moving on. When you've moved on, your ex will realize that they have not.

2 - Minimize communication. Closing the doors of communication may appear counterintuitive when your primary focus is to rekindle things, but it is one of the most important steps when getting back at your ex or getting your ex back. Take a break from your ex, close off communication, and let him or her stew for a little while without any contact. This will allow your ex to clear his or her mind and realize how valuable your relationship was.

3 - Be flexible. Do not be forceful with your ex, demanding that they move out, or pick their things up by a certain date. Be flexible, be a listener and a sympathizer. Your ex will be surprised when they see this side of you, and it may inspire them to build the lines of communication that were lacking when the breakup came into play.

4 - Get the heck out! This is no time for you to be alone. Call your friends and get out of the house. Develop a social network and enjoy some entertainment in your life. This may not mean you need to date, or even pay attention to the opposite sex, but you do need to be getting out and enjoying your time with your friends. Not only will this be therapeutic for you, but it will also help convince your ex that they lost a gem.

5 - Simply be yourself. There was a really good reason for why you and your ex had a relationship to begin with, so go back to being yourself and let your ex remember why they loved you in the first place. This renewed self perception of your own self will surely rub off on your ex as well.

Get your ex back!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Can I get my Ex Girlfriend Back?

Can I Get My Ex Girlfriend Back?

If you’re wondering, “Can I get my ex girlfriend back?” then the breakup probably wasn’t so devastating that you think the relationship can’t be saved.  You’ll have to hope she feels the same way.  If any hurt was caused during the split that you should apologize for, now’s the time to say you’re sorry. Being sorry and sincerely showing it is a good first step. 

Can I get my ex girlfriend back by showing my sensitive side? 

Well, there’s no guarantee you’ll get back together, but the odds tilt more and more in your favor when you do things right. Show her how much you miss her, and how sorry you are.  Just pay attention to what she does. If your gestures of sorrow only make her angry—she throws away the roses or something dramatic like that, for example—change your tactics until you find that something she responds to.

If flowers or cards frustrate her, for example, maybe that’s because it’s easy to pick up the phone and order flowers or buy a card someone else wrote.  Try putting yourself in her shoes and try to figure out something more appealing. Buy a blank card and write your own verse in it.  It doesn’t have to rhyme, in fact it’s better if it doesn’t.  Try to honestly express how you feel.  Or pick flowers and present her with a bouquet you put together yourself.

A common complaint among women is that men aren’t thoughtful.  Were you thoughtful during the relationship?  Now you might be wondering, can I get my ex girlfriend back by being thoughtful?  Not necessarily, but it’s one more step toward your goal of getting her back.  Every positive thing stacks up, making it easier and easier for her to come back to you. Don’t expect things to happen right away, though.

If you spent your relationship rarely doing thoughtful things, or you only did them in the beginning, she’ll probably doubt the things you do now.  Just be patient, and keep up your efforts. Don’t appear frustrated or angry.  Do the thoughtful things because it feels good to make her happy, not because you’re working toward a goal.
Can I get my ex girlfriend back by dating other women?

If it’s been a long time since the breakup, and you’re still working on being thoughtful, a casual date seems harmless and may make her wish she was your date, but go too far and it could backfire.
Can I get my ex girlfriend back if she has a boyfriend?

The odds are against it, but if you can show her that she’ll be happier with you than the new boyfriend you’ll have a good chance.  Being thoughtful will go a long way toward showing her that.  Even if it seems hopeless, don’t give up.

If it appears she’s moved on, still send her a card you wrote just wishing her a great week.  But don’t look as if you have any expectations.  Your thoughtfulness might really impress her.

One other thing my friend, the points made above, are only just one step in the equation of getting your true love back. The important thing is to have a step by step plan that will lead you in your heartfelt pursuit.

Frankly, that's what I did when my true love dumped me. I followed a plan authored by T 'Dub' Jackson. When my cause was almost hopeless and I was dieing inside, it hauled me up by my bootstraps and helped me get my life's love back. It's called "The Magic of Making Up" and you can check it out at: How to get your ex back.

If you want other FREE Romantic Date Ideas to help you now, or later, check out our site.

Thank you!

Get ur Girlfriend Back!

How Can I Get Back Together With My Ex Girlfriend?

Sometimes when a relationship comes to an abrupt end, either one or both parties involved may still be in doubt that the end is really the end, and this is especially true when a relationship is new.  Some men simply cannot accept the fact that their girlfriend walked away.  Therefore, they find themselves still hoping she'll still be there in the morning and that it was all a dream.  Are you asking "How can I get back together with my ex girlfriend", it is important that you create a plan regarding how to do it.

In order to get back together with your ex girlfriend, there are numerous steps to take. Here are some of the tips that you should keep in mind when working through this process.

- There is always a second chance for everyone, so it's not impossible for you to get back together with your ex girlfriend. But first, you should ask yourself some questions Do you still love her? Do you really want her back? Why? Are you trying to get her back because you don't want to be alone, or you don't believe you should have been dumped? If you are looking to get back with your ex for reasons other than love, you may be playing a dangerous game that would be better off avoided.

- Do not appear desperate or needy to your girlfriend if your priority is "how can I get back together with my ex girlfriend?" Although you may feel desperate, and you may really want her back, you absolutely need to control your emotions, keeping them to yourself. If you cannot help them, then it may be wise to talk to your friends or family so you can cry your heart out where she cannot see. Do not beg or cry in front of your girlfriend, however, and absolutely do not stalk her.

- Learn how to control your feelings, forgetting about self pity and instead working on the positive aspects of working things through with your ex. If you appear too needy, or if you come off as too desperate, she may end up avoiding you even more.

- Keep the communication lines with your ex open. She may have ended the relationship, but you just need to make her feel like communication lines are open and that you want to be civil. You do not have to be the one initiating the conversation, but you should be willing to say hello and have a conversation occasionally with her, keeping in touch casually.

- Above all else, analyze what went awry with the relationship. There must have been a problem that led to the end of the relationship, so find out what the problem was if you want to get back together with your ex. Find out what caused the arguments, of which of her needs weren't being met, and work on rectifying those issues.

For more information and help, check out our site Get urGirlfriend Back - Thank you!